Call for Papers

"Expanding the Horizon of Mobile Interaction"

The MobileHCI Conference Series has shaped research, development and practice in mobile devices and services for over two decades now. In keeping with this tradition of innovation, the conference theme in 2020 is “expanding the horizon of mobile interaction.” Technological advances now allow us to connect devices, displays, and interfaces into larger ensembles and novel interactions that are fluid across the real world and the digital world. Multisensory and multimodal mobile interactions can support us both during leisure time and in our workplace, at home or with friends, in our personal spaces or in public environments. MobileHCI 2020 embraces this expanded horizon of mobile interaction and invites submissions and contributions that reflect this broad view of our field.

We welcome contributions related to any aspect of mobile HCI technology, systems, devices, techniques, experience, application, methods, tools, theories, and new perspectives. Our interpretation of mobility is inclusive and broadly construed.

Submission Deadline
January 2020
everywhere on earth

Suggested Topics

Systems and Infrastructure

The design, architecture, deployment, and evaluation of systems and infrastructures that support development of or interaction with mobile devices and services.

Devices and Techniques

The design, construction, usage, and evaluation of devices and techniques that create valuable new capabilities for mobile human-computer interaction.

Applications and Experiences

Descriptions of the design, empirical study of interactive applications, or analysis of usage trends that leverage mobile devices and systems. 

MobileHCI for social good

Using mobile HCI to address societal challenges of our times such as health care, mobility, sustainability, social engagement, and civic engagement.

Methods and Tools

New methods and tools designed for or applied to studying or building mobile user interfaces, applications, and mobile users.

Theories and Models

Critical analysis or organizing theory with clearly motivated relevance to the design or study of mobile human-computer interaction; taxonomies of design or devices; well-supported essays on emerging trends and practice in mobile human-computer interaction.

Provocations and new Perspectives

Well-argued and well-supported visions of the future of mobile computing; non-traditional topics that bear on mobility; underrepresented viewpoints and perspectives that convincingly bring something new to mobile research and practice.


Submissions will be managed through Precision Conference (PCS)

Submission deadline: January 31st, 2020 (anywhere on earth)

First notification: April 8th, 2020

Reviews sent to authors: April 20

Rebuttals due: April 29th, 2020

Notification of acceptance: May 25th, 2020

Camera ready version: June 19

Paper Length and Format

Important: This year, MobileHCI will be using the new ACM Master Article Templates and Publication Workflow!

The complete instructions can be found here: Word users can submit their initial documents in a simplified single-column format which is then converted to the final formatting only if the paper is accepted. LaTeX users should use the latest template on that same web page (please use the manuscript template [sample-manuscript.tex]). Note that we will provide instructions on word/character count in the near future. However, as a guidance, the final 2-column papers should be between 6 and 10 pages long. For checking the length of your paper you can either use an older 2-column template or have a look at the ACM website: At the very bottom there is a rough estimation of word counts and estimated page count. Paper length during the submission stage will not be handled as strict as for previous MobileHCI conferences, but if your paper gets accepted we might request that you need to shorten it. Authors are encouraged to submit a paper of length proportional to its contribution. References are not included in the paper length. Reviewers will be instructed to weigh the contribution of a submission relative to its length, so papers with a length disproportionate to their contribution will be rejected. Shorter, more focused papers (akin to Notes or Short Papers in previous years) are encouraged, and will be reviewed appropriately.

Papers need to be anonymised for blind review. We use a relaxed model that does not attempt to conceal all traces of identity from the body of the paper. However, you do need to completely remove identifying information from the title/header/acknowledgements area of the paper, and also make sure that it does not appear in the document’s meta-data. Citations to your own previous work do NOT need to be anonymised, so that reviewers can ensure that all previous research has been taken into account. However, you should refer to your prior work in third person.

As an ACM conference, MobileHCI papers will appear in the ACM Digital Library.

Presentation at the Conference

Upon acceptance, you have to present your paper at the conference. At least one author of each paper must register. The exact talk duration will be determined when the program is finalised.

Paper Chairs

Anke Brock

ENAC, University Toulouse France

Wilko Heuten

OFFIS - Institute for IT Oldenburg, Germany

Andrew Kun


Please contact with any questions

We are looking forward to your submissions!