Call for Late-Breaking Work

We invite researchers and practitioners to submit their work to the Late-Breaking Work category of MobileHCI 2024. Late-Breaking Works allow researchers to get feedback on early-stage work, discover potential collaborations, and discuss the emerging issues in MobileHCI with the larger MobileHCI community.

Work that is best suited for this type of submission includes but is not limited to preliminary results, provoking and timely trends, novel experiences, or interactions that have not been fully tested but show great promise, summaries of small-scale studies, design explorations, etc. We strongly encourage all authors to reflect, even briefly, on ethical aspects of their work, in line with the conference theme "Connecting Cultures".

Important Dates - Late-Breaking Work

*All deadlines are AoE
Submission of Papers June 24, 2024
Notifications July 15, 2024
Camera-ready August 12, 2024

Topics can include, but are not limited to:

Submission Platform

All materials must be submitted electronically to PCS Submission System by the submission deadline. In PCS, first click "Submissions" at the top of the page, then from the dropdown menus, select "SIGCHI," then "MobileHCI 2024", and finally, the "Late-Breaking Work" track.

Submission Format and Length

  • Template: ACM Master Article Submission Templates (single column)
  • Submissions must be up to 8 pages long (including appendix and excluding references).
  • Additionally, an appendix can be submitted (see below).
  • There should not be concurrent submissions to other conferences or tracks.


Submissions are anonymous and should not include author names, affiliations, and contact information.

Citing Prior Work

If the current submission builds up on a previously published paper, the previous paper must be referenced. Submissions cannot have blank/anonymized references (e.g., "12. REMOVED FOR REVIEWING"). We encourage authors to refer to their previous work in the third person. Further suppression of identity in the body of the paper, while encouraged, is left to the authors' discretion. Finally, do not cite proprietary or confidential publications at the time of publication, as the final camera-ready versions of accepted submissions must be accompanied by a copyright form signed by the authors.

Supplementary Material

Supplementary material may provide additional details, e.g., for replication. However, it is not intended to add additional understanding to the submission. Supplementary material (e.g., study protocol, statistical analysis, and data) may be added to the submission as an extra upload and should not be part of the main paper. Thus, supplementary material does not count toward the page limit, in contrast to an appendix in the main text of the submission (the PDF file).

Review Process

Late-Breaking Work submissions will be reviewed by members of the Late-Breaking Results Committee. Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential. Submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until they are published in the ACM Digital Library.


The submitted Late-Breaking Works will be included in the ACM Digital Library as part of the MobileHCI Adjunct Proceedings. The poster design will not be included. After integrations and revisions, the material presented in the Late-Breaking Works can be used as the basis for future publications. Upon acceptance, ACM will send authors a copyright form, which they must complete. Once completed, ACM will provide copyright information which has to be visible on the final submission. Authors must process their submissions using TAPS, ensuring high-quality and accessible content.

Accepted Late-Breaking Works will be made available in the ACM Digital Library a maximum of two weeks before the conference. Submitted videos may be published on the SIGCHI YouTube Channel and advertised on social media.

Presentation Format

Authors will be assigned a time and location to present their poster to the conference attendees, potentially on two different days. During the dedicated poster session(s), at least one of the authors is required to present their work and discuss it with conference attendees. One of the authors is expected to be present throughout the poster session. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to present your work in the 1-Minute Madness session, using a single slide (no animation allowed).

Posters should include (1) the title, authors' names, and affiliations, (2) a concise overview of the research, (3) clear illustrations of key aspects of the LBWs, and (4) a compelling visual design. Posters might also include QR codes to link to online materials (e.g., scenario videos, interactive prototypes). No power outlets or audiovisual/competing equipment will be provided at the conference. At least one author must be in attendance to present the poster. The typical poster size recommended is a maximum of 1 meter tall by 1 meter wide.

For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for the MobileHCI 2024 conference by the early registration deadline. Poster sessions will be held in person. Authors of the accepted abstracts will be required to submit a 30-second teaser video of their work. Please refer to the accessibility guidelines for video submissions for more information on how to prepare your video.


The submission must be original work. It cannot have been published elsewhere, nor can it be under concurrent review for publication by another conference or journal. All references must be complete, accurate, accessible to the HCI public, and conform to the Conference Proceedings Publication Format.

Late-Breaking Work Chairs

Saiedur's photo

Mohammad Saiedur Rahaman
CQUniversity, Australia

Hasan's photo

Hasan Ferdous
University of Melbourne, Australia

Technical Program Committee

Xianzhe Fan, Tsinghua University, China
Tianyi Zhang, University of Melbourne, Australia
Jiankai Tang, Tsinghua University, China
Mingxuan Liu, Tsinghua University, China
Farjana Z Eishita, Idaho State University, USA
Nan Gao, Tsinghua University, China
Kaixin Ji, RMIT University, Australia
Yonchanok Khaokaew, University of New South Wales, Australia
Tahera Hossain, Nagoya University, Japan
Songyan Teng, University of Melbourne, Australia
Shahriar Kaisar, RMIT University
Piumi Perera, University of Melbourne, Australia
Nattapat Boonprakong, University of Melbourne, Australia
David Eccles, University of Melbourne, Australia