Call for Papers

The ACM MobileHCI Conference Series has shaped research, development, and practice in services used on mobile or within mobile contexts for over two decades. We interpret mobility broadly and welcome contributions related to any aspect of mobile HCI technology, systems, devices, techniques, experience, applications, methods, tools, theories, and new perspectives.

The overall conference theme in 2024 is "Connecting Cultures". Australia is a unique cultural hub connecting ancient wisdom with modern technological advancements. While the old custodians have been taking care of these lands for over 50,000 years, many solutions to today's challenges take inspiration from this ancient wisdom. In times where sustainability and harmonious living are becoming increasingly important, the design of our built world may very well have a profound impact on our lifestyle and ecological footprint. Technology can help us measure, assess, and improve that footprint. Mobile technologies accompany us throughout our daily lives: at home, at work, in traffic, and out in the wild. And while we are more connected than ever, it seems that cultural and ideological divides are simultaneously threatening to drive us apart.

It has never been a more pressing time to debate and explore what digital culture means and how to connect us, our data, and services in meaningful and positively impacting ways. The Mobile HCI Conference Series has shaped research, development and practice in mobile devices and services for over two decades. In 2024, it is time to think about how to tap into the cultural richness of mobile users and consciously design our relationship with our diverse environments. Our suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

Important Dates - Full Papers

*All deadlines are AoE
Abstract Submission February 14, 2024
Paper Submission February 21, 2024
Revise and Resubmit Notifications April 22, 2024
Revised Submission May 20, 2024
Final Notifications June 17, 2024
Camera-ready July 29th, 2024

Submission Platform

All materials must be submitted electronically to PCS by the deadline. In PCS, first click "Submissions" at the top of the page, from the "Society" dropdown menu select "SIGCHI", then from the "Conference/journal" dropdown menu select "MobileHCI 2024" and finally from the "Track" dropdown menu select the "MobileHCI 2024 papers" option.

Submission Format and Length

Important: MobileHCI will continue to use the ACM Master Article Templates and Publication Workflow.

Quick Links:

  • Microsoft Word
  • LaTeX (use sample-manuscript.tex for submissions)
  • Overleaf (or search for: ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article)

For LaTeX/Overleaf, please use the SIGCHI conference proceedings master template for submission using the following configuration \documentclass[manuscript,screen,review,anonymous]{acmart}:

Typical page length is 12-16 pages (+ references), but any page length is allowed as long as the paper contribution is commensurate. In the previous two-column template, full papers had a maximum word count between 7000 and 9500 words. Paper length during the submission stage will not be handled as strictly as for previous MobileHCI conferences, but if your lengthy paper gets accepted we might request you to shorten it. References are not included in the paper's length. Reviewers will be instructed to weigh the contribution of a submission relative to its length, so papers with a length disproportionate to their contribution will likely be rejected. Shorter, more focused papers are encouraged and will be reviewed appropriately. The abstract should be a paragraph of 150 words or less that succinctly describes the research and the main findings.


Paper submissions must be anonymous for blind review, i.e., authors must remove their names and affiliations throughout all submission materials. We use a relaxed model that does not attempt to conceal all traces of identity from the body of the paper. However, you do need to completely remove identifying information from the title/header/acknowledgements part of the paper, and also make sure that it does not appear in the document meta-data.

Citing Prior Work

Citations to your own previous work do NOT need to be anonymised, so that reviewers can ensure that all previous research has been taken into account. However, you should refer to your own prior work in third person. For example, "Smith et al. did ... [1]" instead of "We did ... [1]".

Selection Process

We use a refereed process, i.e., an editorial board and a set of external reviewers will review the submitted papers. The editorial board members will make decisions for any submitted papers as either accepted, minor revisions, major revisions, or rejected. These notifications will be sent to authors on April 22nd, 2024. If the initial decision is "minor revisions" or "major revision", paper authors will have a four week revision cycle to address the required changes, from April 22nd until May 20th, 2024. After resubmission on May 20th, the final decision on the revised papers will be sent to the authors on June 17th, 2024. Please note that for "major revision" submissions the external reviewers will be involved in checking all the required changes.


Paper publication is archival, i.e., accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library as part of the Proceedings of ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI) and distributed in digital form to conference attendees. ACM will send you a copyright form, which you have to complete. Once completed, ACM will provide you the copyright information to be put into your paper. You can then submit the camera-ready version (including the copyright notice) through the submission system.

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.

Presentation Format

Upon acceptance, you will be invited to present your paper at the conference. Presenting is highly encouraged but not required, according to the new journal model. The exact talk duration will be determined when the program is finalised.


Authors of accepted papers will be invited to participate in the demo session. For this, they will need to submit an additional document describing the technical requirements for the demo.


Your submission must be original work. It cannot have been published elsewhere, nor can it be under concurrent review for publication by another conference or journal. All references must be complete, accurate, accessible to the public, and conform to the Conference Proceedings Publication Format.

ACM Publications Policies

By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM's new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects.

Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.

ORCID IDs of Authors

Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors (FAQs). We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.

Marion's photo

Marion Koelle
OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology, Germany

Niels' photo

Niels van Berkel
Aalborg University, Denmark

Katelynn's photo

Jenny Waycott
University of Melbourne, Australia