Call for Tutorials

MobileHCI tutorials are in-depth presentations of fundamental or state-of-the-art topics presented by researchers or practitioners within the field of MobileHCI. The tutorials offer attendees an introduction to novel concepts and technologies, empower them to learn new skills, and present them with possibilities to meet new people and discuss topics of shared interest. The scope for tutorials is broad and includes topics, such as new technologies, research approaches and methodologies, design practices, user/consumer insights, investigations into new services/applications/interfaces, statistics, and much more. Virtual or Augmented Reality, Conversational Interfaces, Interaction with AI in mobile contexts, Wearable Computing, and general applications with technology on the go in mind are highly recommended.

A tutorial should focus on its topic in detail and include references to the "must-read" papers or materials within its domain. A participatory approach in which the tutorial participants actively engage in exercises is strongly encouraged, though not strictly required. The expected audience will vary in terms of prior knowledge, but will largely consist of researchers, PhD students, practitioners, and educators. Tutorial proposal submissions by industrial researchers or practitioners are welcomed as well.

The overall conference theme in 2024 is "Connecting Cultures", so we invite tutorials to discuss ethical aspects of their work, as part of their problem definitions, system design, experiment design, instrument and metric adoption and conclusions.

MobileHCI 2024 will be held in person in September 2024 in Melbourne Australia. Tutorials with the physical presence of the instructors are highly recommended.

Important Dates - Tutorials

*All deadlines are AoE
Submission of Proposals April 5, 2024
Notifications April 19, 2024

Submission Platform

  • All materials must be submitted electronically to PCS by the deadline.
  • In PCS, first, click "Submissions" at the top of the page. Then, from the dropdown menu, select "SIGCHI", "MobileHCI 2024", and the "Tutorials" track.

Submission Format and Length

Preparing the Submission

In your proposal please include:

  • The title of the tutorial
  • Abstract (approximately 200 words)
  • Description: The covered topics and the depths to which you will cover them.
  • Relevance to MobileHCI: Why is this tutorial relevant to MobileHCI and of potential interest to attendees?
  • Learning Outcomes: What will attendees have learned/achieved after your tutorial?
  • Structure of the tutorial: A timeline and description of activities taking place during the tutorial (e.g. talks, discussion, group work, hands-on coding or design activities, panel discussions, demonstrations, Q&A). Tutorials have a recommended length between one and three hours.
  • The intended audience(s) of the tutorial: Please outline likely attendees for your tutorial. Any prerequisite knowledge or background must be explicitly described (e.g. “basic Python programming skills”).
  • Overview of the learning materials provided to the participants before and after the tutorial.
  • A brief biography of the instructor(s): We encourage a maximum of 3 presenters. Please provide adequate justification in case more are needed. If you plan to hold a panel or invited speakers during the tutorial, please provide brief details on these persons as well. Information on previous experience in organising tutorials (e.g. name, dates, conference, number of participants) is highly desirable.


Tutorials are not submitted anonymously, i.e. instructors do not remove their names and affiliations from their submission materials.

Selection Process

The selection will be curated by the Tutorials Chairs.


Accepted tutorial proposals will be included in the ACM Digital Library as part of the MobileHCI 2024 Adjunct Proceedings. ACM will send the organizers a copyright form, which they have to complete. Once completed, ACM will provide organizers with the copyright information to put into the camera-ready paper. Then, the camera-ready version (including the copyright notice) can be submitted through the submission system. The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library.

Andreas' photo

Andreas Komninos
University of Patras, Greece

Joanna's photo

Joanna Bergström
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Allison's photo

Allison Jing
RMIT University, Australia