Registration is open, please register here.

Registration categories

 Standard Registration
(Extended Until July 23rd)
 Late / onsite Registration
(After July 23rd)
 ACM / SIGCHI Professional member  660€ 770€
 ACM / SIGCHI Student  330€  410€
 Non-ACM SIG member  760€  830€
 Student Non-ACM / SIG member  400€  500€
 One-day registration  345€  425€
 Tutorials  150€  170€
 Workshops  150€  180€
 Student Volunteers  Free  Free


ACM / SIGCHI Professional member

  • Registration fee: 660€ standard. 770€ late / onsite
  • The conference registration includes coffee breaks, lunches, and access to the welcome reception. The conference registration also includes one ticket for the conference dinner.
  • The conference registration fee does not include access to either tutorials or workshops. You can register for tutorials and / or workshops during the registration process (in the Agenda section).
  • You can purchase an additional ticket for the conference dinner during the registration (in the Agenda section).

ACM / SIGCHI Student

  • Registration fee: 330€ standard. 410€ late / onsite
  • The conference registration includes coffee breaks, lunches, and access to the welcome reception. The conference registration also includes one ticket for the conference dinner.
  • The conference registration does not include access to tutorials / workshop. You can register for tutorials / workshops during the registration (in the Agenda section).
  • The conference registration includes the Doctoral Consortium. If you take part in the Doctoral Consortium, please select the DC option in the Agenda section.
  • You can purchase an additional ticket for the conference dinner during the registration (in the Agenda section).
  • Please bear in mind that to complete your registration, you must bring your student ID to the registration desk when collecting your badge. Failure to do so will result in the full registration fee being applied before you are allowed to participate in the conference.

Non-ACM SIG member

  • Registration fee: 760€ standard. 830€ late / onsite
  • The conference registration includes coffee breaks, lunches, and access to the welcome reception. The conference registration also includes one ticket for the conference dinner.
  • The conference registration fee does not include access to tutorials / workshops. You can register for tutorials / workshops during the registration process (in the Agenda section).
  • You can purchase an additional ticket for the conference dinner during the registration process (in the Agenda section).

Student Non-ACM / SIG member

  • Registration fee: 400€ standard. 500€ late / onsite
  • The conference registration includes coffee breaks, lunches, and access to the welcome reception. The conference registration also includes one ticket for the conference dinner.
  • The conference registration does not include access to tutorials / workshop. You can register for tutorials / workshops during the registration (in the Agenda section).
  • The conference registration includes the Doctoral Consortium. If you participate in the Doctoral Consortium, please select the DC option in the Agenda section.
  • You can purchase an additional ticket for the conference dinner during the registration (in the Agenda section).
  • Please bear in mind that to complete your registration, you must bring your student ID to the registration desk when collecting your badge. Failure to do so will result in the full registration fee being applied before you are allowed to participate.

One-day registration

  • Registration fee: 345€ standard. 425€ late / onsite
  • One-day registration does not include registration for the conference dinner.
  • One-day registration does not include registration for tutorials / workshops. You can register for them in the Agenda section.
  • You can purchase a ticket for the conference dinner during the registration (in the Agenda section).

Student Volunteers

  • Student Volunteers (SV) get free registration.
  • SV must register for tutorials / workshops should they wish to participate in them.
  • Please bear in mind that to complete your registration, you must bring your student ID to the registration desk when collecting your badge. Failure to do so will result in the full registration fee being applied before you are allowed to participate.
  • SV with accepted papers need to register for the conference in order to be able to present their paper, demo or poster during the conference.

Invited Speakers

  • Invited Speakers get free registration and one ticket for the conference dinner.
  • Invited Speakers do not get free registration for tutorials / workshops.
  • Please bring your ID to the registration desk when collecting your badge.
  • You can purchase an additional ticket for the conference dinner during the registration (in the Agenda section).


  • Registration fee: 150€ standard. 170€ late / onsite
  • Tutorials registration includes coffee breaks and lunch on the day of the tutorial.
  • Tutorials registration does not include registration for the conference dinner.
  • You can purchase a ticket for the conference dinner during the registration process (in the Agenda section)
  • Organizers of the full-day tutorials get free registration – please use discount code provided by the organization to register.


  • Registration fee: 150€ standard. 180€ late / onsite
  • Workshops registration includes coffee breaks and lunch on the day of the workshop.
  • Workshops registration does not include registration for the conference dinner.
  • A ticket for the conference dinner can be purchased during the registration.

Registration for workshops / tutorials

If you plan to attend both conference and workshops / tutorials, please:

  • Select one of the conference registration categories (professional, student, one-day)
  • Select the workshop / tutorial you plan to attend during the registration process

If you plan to attend only a workshop / tutorial, please select the workshop (tutorial) category, and later on, in the registration process, the workshop / tutorial to want to attend.


The registration system provides you with information about two hotels. The organization of the conference has reached an agreement with them. The hotels offer special rates and are within walking distance. Please book your room directly through the hotel website by using the promo code provided in the registration. The registration system does not handle accommodation. More Information.