Call for Tutorials

MobileHCI tutorials are in-depth presentations of fundamental or state-of-the-art topics presented by researchers or practitioners within the field of MobileHCI. The tutorials empower attendees to learn new skills and offer possibilities to meet new people and discuss topics of shared interest. The scope for tutorials is broad and includes topics such as new technologies, research approaches and methodologies, design practices, statistics, and more. A tutorial should focus on its topic in detail and include references to the “must-read” papers or materials within its domain. A participatory approach in which the tutorial participants actively engage in exercises is welcomed, though not required. The expected audience will vary in terms of prior knowledge, but will largely consist of researchers, PhD students, practitioners, and educators.

Important Dates

Deadline Date
Submission Deadline May 21, 2021 May 28, 2021, 23:59 Anywhere on Earth
Notification June 18, 2021 June 25, 2021
Camera-ready June 30, 2021 July 5, 2021
Day of Tutorials September 27, 2021

All tutorials will be held virtually this year, i.e. will be taught remotely online. Please take this into account as you plan your submission.


Submission Platform

  • All materials must be submitted electronically to PCS by the camera ready deadline
  • In PCS, first click “Submissions” at the top of the page, from the dropdown menus select “SIGCHI”, “MobileHCI 2021” and the track you want to submit to.

Submission Format and Length

Preparing the Submission

In your proposal please include:

  • The title of the tutorial
  • Length of the tutorial (recommended at least one hour, three hours maximum)
  • Learning goals of the tutorial
  • The intended audience(s) of the tutorial
  • The covered topics and the depths to which you will cover them
  • Overview of the materials provided to the participants
  • A brief biography of the instructor(s)


Tutorials are not submitted anonymously, i.e. instructors do not remove their names and affiliations from their submission materials.

Selection Process

Curated, i.e. the tutorial chairs will review the submissions and decide on acceptance


Accepted tutorial proposals will be included in the Conference Adjunct Proceedings. ACM will send you a copyright form, which you have to complete. Once completed, ACM will provide you the copyright information to be put into your paper. You can then submit the camera-ready version (including the copyright notice) through the submission system.

Presentation and Honorarium

Tutorial instructors receive a free registration to the conference (max. 2 per tutorial).

Tutorials Chairs

Portrait of Daniela Busse

Daniela Busse
Wells Fargo, USA

Portrait of Andrés Lucero

Andrés Lucero
Aalto University, Finland