Many Thanks to our Sponsors!

Champion Sponsors

University of Toulouse

Verizon Media

Donor Sponsors

AFIHM - Association Française pour l'Interaction Homme Machine

with further support from

Multimodal Technologies and Interaction Journal

Master IHM of University of Toulouse

Sponsorship Benefits

MobileHCI 2021, the ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction, brings together academics, designers, and practitioners from multiple disciplines to discuss the challenges and the future of people interacting with and through technologies, applications, and services in a mobile world. In 2021, the conference takes place in Toulouse, France.

For sponsors, MobileHCI 2021 presents an opportunity to connect with bright students, experts, and leaders in academia & industry in the field.

Below, you find the different levels of sponsorship and the benefits.

Contact us

Portrait of Martin Pielot

Martin Pielot
Google, Germany

Portrait of Wendy Ju

Wendy Ju
Cornell Tech, USA

Benefit Mention Donor Benefactor Champion
Logos being prominently displayed in the venue and during the official opening and closing sessions Yes
Name and logo included on the conference website, programme literature, proceedings, with link to sponsor web pages where possible Yes Yes Yes Yes
Conference name may be used by sponsor in approved publicity campaigns Yes Yes Yes Yes
Social Media Advertisement on MobileHCI FB page, Twitter, LinkedIn No Yes, once Yes, twice Yes, 4 times
Full complimentary registration included (fully interchangeable) None 2 4 6
Special invitation to give a demonstration of your choice as part of the Mobile HCI Demo / Poster Reception Poster Poster or Demo Poster and Demo
Complimentary exhibition space for all three days of the main conference None Yes Yes Yes
Cost in Euro €500.00 €1,000.00 €2,000.00 €5,000.00